Ran into a really odd issue where a customer was trying to create a new OneNote 2010 notebook in SharePoint 2007. Everytime he tried to create the notebook in a document library he’s get the error below. I could reproduce the issue on my machine as well.
After checkin Document library permissions and about a hundred other items I decided to do some real digging and realized that the OneNote 2010 uses WebDav to communicate with SharePoint. First thing I checked was the WebDav Client on my local machine and wouldn’t you know it, service was stopped. So I kicked on that server and Viola….err still broken. Perhaps server related was my next thought.
I took a look at the Web Service Extensions in IIS on the server, and sure enough. Web Dav was “Prohibited” in IIS under the Web Service Extensions. So after looking around to make sure no one saw me enable it in PRODUCTION, kidding…. Always test what it’s gonna break in a dev environment first. Anyways I verified that I was having the same issue in Dev, then Set WebDav to “Allowed” in IIS, and was able to create and sync my new workbook with no issues.
So lesson learned, OneNote 2010 and SharePoint need WebDav Allowed in IIS on the SharePoint Servers, as well as the webdav client running on the local machine. (BTW the WebDav client in winxp is a service called WebClient) I haven’t dug deep enough into Windows 7 to see what it’s actually named on that O/S.