This is a continuation of my first post
So after a very exciting couple of day installing and playing around with these 2 new packages, I think I’ve got it good to go. After a smooth uninstall of the SharePoint 2013 package, I kicked off a Standalone installation on the server. Everything went well this time around, well until I got to the psconfig. The UI ran, but then I noticed that I was getting an error on step 3 of the config wizard.
Failed to connect to the configuration database.
An exception of type System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException was thrown. Additional exception information: ErrorCode<NonDomainNWService>:SubStatus<ES0001>:Service running under Network Service account in workgroup environment is not supported.
My first thought was a really technical “Oh Come On!” but it just so happened that Neil Sly (@nrs) was having the same issue and posted a link to a technet post via yammer (are you using yammer yet?).
Appears that one of the Pre-Req’s is a tool called AppFabric (more info later) which does something or the other with caching, and for some reason running it at Network Service gets it madder than a 2yr old in a candy store forced to practice restraint. Anyways the following powershell command will create the configdb manually then you can run the psconfig again and it will complete. (Sorta…)
psconfig.exe -cmd Configdb create SkipRegisterAsDistributedCacheHost
What do you mean sorta? Well PSCONFIG failed again for me. seemed to get much further this time and actually gave me a different error “The SDDL string contains contains an invalid sid a sid that cannot be translated”
Now I am absolutely certainly this is related to my “forced non domain” install, and this will give me something to troubleshoot and another blog post. But I went ahead and tried Central Administration and Viola, there it was in all it’s akward minimal glory. 🙂 SharePoint 2013.
There’s something to be said about the UI for 2013. I heard Eric Shupps @eshupps say it yesterday at the OKCSUG meeting. It’s very “minimal”. Now that in itself isn’t bad, but I think we’ve gotten so used to flash, and sparkle, and blamo, that when you first see SP2013 it’s pretty vanilla. The page layouts seem pretty close to the way they looked in 2010. To be honest at first glance it looks the same. I’m sure more digging will find some differences. Anyways, some of the new features I’m really looking forward to are the custom design and branding that can be done with basic html, css, and javascript. Hopefully will get some of that done soon. But that’s it for now. Happy SharePointing!